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INT 14h,  00h    Set baud rate
INT 14h,  01h    Transmit character with wait
INT 14h,  02h    Receive character with wait
INT 14h,  03h    Request status
INT 14h,  04h    Initialize driver
INT 14h,  05h    Deinitialize driver
INT 14h,  06h    Raise/lower DTR
INT 14h,  07h    Return timer tick parameters
INT 14h,  08h    Flush output buffer
INT 14h,  09h    Purge output buffer
INT 14h,  0Ah    Purge input buffer
INT 14h,  0Bh    Transmit no wait
INT 14h,  0Ch    Non-destructive read-ahead
INT 14h,  0Dh    Keyboard read without wait
INT 14h,  0Eh    Keyboard read with wait
INT 14h,  0Fh    Enable or disable flow control
INT 14h,  10h    Extended Control-C / Control-K checking and transmit on/off
INT 14h,  11h    Set current cursor location.
INT 14h,  12h    Read current cursor location.
INT 14h,  13h    Single character ANSI write to screen.
INT 14h,  14h    Enable or disable watchdog processing
INT 14h,  15h    Write character to screen using BIOS support routines
INT 14h,  16h    Insert or delete a function from the timer tick chain
INT 14h,  17h    Reboot system
INT 14h,  18h    Read block (transfer from FOSSIL to user buffer)
INT 14h,  19h    Write block (transfer from user buffer to FOSSIL)
INT 14h,  1Ah    Break begin or end
INT 14h,  1Bh    Return information about the driver
INT 14h,  7Eh    Install an "external application" function
INT 14h,  7Fh    Remove an "external application" function

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson